The Douglas County Health Department is recommending that anybody who comes into close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case during an athletic event should monitor for symptoms and wear a mask in public for 10 days.  

Athletes should get tested for COVID-19 5 days after close contact with a positive case, this applies to vaccinated and unvaccinated people, with or without symptoms.

Douglas County Health Department, where to get tested: 

Close contact:

  • Within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes (cumulative). This includes sidelines, carpooling, waiting for the next game, etc.

Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Any of the following: sudden onset of cough, sudden onset of shortness of breath, or sudden loss of taste or smell, OR
  • Two or more of the following symptoms: a fever of 100.4 or above, runny nose, congestion, chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, or fatigue.

If your child develops any of the symptoms above, they should isolate at home immediately and contact their health care provider to be tested. Isolation shall continue until:

  • At least five days have passed since onset of symptoms AND
  • Symptoms have improved AND
  • The isolated individual has been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever- reducing medication.
  • Continue masking in public and around others for days 6-10 following onset of symptoms. If your child cannot mask effectively, they should stay home for 10 days following onset of symptoms. This includes masking while actively participating in their sport/extracurricular activity.

COVID-19 exposure outside of sports:

  • School-age children that are not vaccinated and have a COVID-19 case in their household should quarantine from sports.
  • School-age children that are  vaccinated and have a COVID-19 case in their household do not need to quarantine, but are recommended to mask in public.

Multiple positive cases in one group: 

  • If multiple positive cases are identified in one group (team, squad, etc.) the Douglas County Health Department will work with MUS to recommend further mitigation strategies.  

Helpful quarantine and isolation guides can be found here:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to MUS with any questions or concerns. Thank you for keeping our MUS families healthy and safe.  To report a Covid-19 exposure, use the link below:

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